第 3 章 Fourier级数的收敛性(Convergence of Fourier Series)
The sine and cosine series, by which one can represent
an arbitrary function in a given interval, enjoy
among other remarkable properties that of being convergent.
This property did not escape…
来源:集智俱乐部 作者:Fernando E. Rosas, Pedro A. M. Mediano, Henrik J. Jensen等 译者:潘佳栋 审校:梁金 编辑:邓一雪 导语 大量个体聚集起来,常常涌现出新的复杂结构。鸟儿聚集起来形成兼具灵活性与秩序的鸟群,大量神经元聚集…
1.下载安装UnityWebSocket 插件
https://gitee.com/cambright/UnityWebSocket/ 引入unity项目: 2.定义消息体结构:ExternalMessage和包结构Package:
using ProtoBuf;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Ge…