状态管理分为三部分:state、view、actions。整个vuex核心是store,vuex的状态是响应式的,当 Vue 组件从 store 中读取状态的时候,若 store 中的状态发生变化,那么相应的组件也会相应地得到高效更新。不能直接更改store中…
Android 安卓Could not write standard input to Gradle Test Executor x.初次运行时发现问题
软件初次运行,发现测试类运行不成功 报错内容
Executing tasks: [:app:testDebugUnitTest] in project E:\Android\MyApplications\HelloWorld> Task :ap…
java项目中出现的bug 2019 is drawing to an end, and the PVS-Studio team is looking back at the accomplishments of this year. In the beginning of 2019, we enhanced our analyzers diagnostic capabilities by adding Java support, which enabled us to check and re…