在编译Linux内核:make menuconfig ---> Kernel hacking -->printk and dmesg options--> show timing information on printks
选上show timing information on printks
如下图所示: 之后重新编译内核,然后启动即可。
MSC Patran启动时提示(Adams也经常出现这个提示) Error reported from application Security. You have requested to run MSC.Patran on a Windows DESKTOP-76C0V5J (Windows 6.2 (Build 9200: Service Pack 0)). There are no version 2016.0430 licenses installed to sat…
patran参数化建模语言 By Hannah Sim, Graduate Student in Chemical Physics at Harvard 哈佛大学化学物理学研究生Hannah Sim In recent years, there have been significant developments in variational quantum algorithms — algorithms that use both quantum and clas…