Optimizing the Insert Function 二、优化插入函数 It appears that inserting a node at the beginning of the list must be a special case. After all, the pointer that must be adjusted to insert the first node is the root pointer. For every other node, the point…
8.1.3 Pointers versus Subscripts If you can use indirection expressions and subscripts interchangeably, which should you use? As usual, there is no simple answer. Subscripts are easier for ʺmost people to understand, especially with multidimensional arra…
from PIL import ImagePicPath "./pic.jpg"
img Image.open(PicPath)
out img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) #水平翻转
# out img.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) #垂直翻转
# out img.rotate(45) #45顺时针翻转